Decrypting your files

Using your passphrase

Kryptor will convert your passphrase into the unique encryption key per file/directory used for encryption. For security reasons, this involves a slight delay.

You can either type your passphrase:

  1. Interactively (recommended): you'll be asked to enter your passphrase and then to retype the passphrase for confirmation. The characters you type are hidden to prevent someone from seeing your passphrase and the length of the passphrase.

  2. Non-interactively (less secure): this involves specifying your passphrase on the command line.

Here's an example using interactive passphrase entry:

$ kryptor -d -p file.txt.bin

Enter your passphrase:

Retype passphrase:

Here's an example using non-interactive passphrase entry:

$ kryptor -d -p:"CED<7q*uxx@4S=szftln3@co(" file.txt.bin

Using your symmetric key

Kryptor will convert your symmetric key into the unique encryption key per file/directory used for encryption. Unlike using a passphrase, this involves no delay.

Here's an example:

$ kryptor -d -k PSK/I1SkTbgoylRxiW3w0wcYmovWTWgC54bPmpgsiQrgO3c= file.txt.bin

Using your keyfile

Kryptor will convert the hash of the keyfile into the unique encryption key per file/directory used for encryption.

Here's an example of specifying a keyfile used alongside a passphrase:

$ kryptor -d -p -k "C:\Users\samuel-lucas6\Documents\keyfile.key" file.txt.bin

Using your private key

Kryptor will convert your encryption private key into the unique encryption key per file/directory used for encryption.

You'll be asked to decrypt your private key using your passphrase. For security reasons, this involves a slight delay.

Here's an example of how to use your default encryption private key:

$ kryptor -d file.txt.bin

Enter your private key passphrase:

Here's an example of how to specify an encryption private key not stored in the default folder:

$ kryptor -d -x:"C:\Users\samuel-lucas6\Documents\encryption.private" file.txt.bin

Enter your private key passphrase:

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